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Zijin Copper Industry Co., Ltd. “Key Laboratory for Comprehensive Utilization of Copper Green Production and Associated Resources” received 12 science and technology awards
Mar 25, 2018

Zijin Copper Industry Co., Ltd. “Key Laboratory for Comprehensive Utilization of Copper Green Production and Associated Resources” received 12 science and technology awards

Recently, the reporter was informed at the “Key Laboratory of Comprehensive Utilization of Copper Green Production and Associated Resources” in the Suiyang Industrial Park, which was reinforced in the copper smelting process, high-value extraction and equipment of rare-earth metals, and the utilization of waste residue. We have obtained a series of scientific and technological innovations in the research of harmless disposal and intelligent automation of smelting processes. At present, we have obtained 12 science and technology awards from provinces, cities, and trade associations, and applied for more than 40 national patents. We have authorized 16 projects.

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